Process C41 is the standard process for colour negative (print) film. Look for the marking “C41” on your film to identify if it requires this process. Click here for help.
The majority of colour film in use today requires C41 processing and it has been the industry standard since 1972. C41 and colour film for process C41 is completely homogenised: all film for this process, regardless of manufacturer, film speed etc. is designed to be processed in exactly the same way through C41. Once processed, the film negatives are easily recognisable by their orange-brown colour. At Ag we offer the highest quality, professionally monitored, C41 processing. As we are processing a lot of film on a daily basis, this also makes process control much easier for us and means much higher quality and more consistent results than a lab with low volumes.
This service includes processing of colour process black and white film (Ilford XP2) and cross processing of film intended for process E6 – but please mark your film “X-Process” so we know.
When scanning or printing your film, our experienced technicians professionally balance, by eye, all images individually for colour, contrast and density to ensure consistent results frame to frame, roll to roll. Our policy is to balance images so as to obtain the best from your film and deliver usable files with a balance of shadow and highlight detail – in line with our own judgement. If you would prefer flat, low contrast, scan files ready for your own balancing and editing, or no balancing at all, please select this from the drop down box.
Please note: accuracy of your film exposure; film quality (including best before date), lens and camera quality / operation can have a very significant impact on the resulting scan or print quality. Whilst colour negative film does have a lot of exposure latitude, it is by far the best option to strive for the most accurate possible exposure which yields the best possible negative to work with. If you want a certain look, expose right in the first place, and then impose your style in post production.
APS format: We can process this film, but we can no longer scan/print it.
Alan –
Just received my order late this afternoon – and – all I can say is
1. EXCELLENT service
2. EXCELLENT quality
3. EXCELLENT prices
4. FANTASTIC turn-around
will be using your services for 35mm B&W and will be looking forward to those results.
DJ –
Just wanted to let you know that I thought the quality of work was excellent. The scans were brilliant and a delight to work with in Lightroom 4 (not as they needed much as there was not a blemish on them!) The whole exercise has influenced my decision NOT to scrap medium format analogue photography and to use AG’s process and scan for future projects in this medium. I shall also express my views to my (London Region) Royal Photographic Society group. Well done and all the very best.
Ed –
I’ve been sending my film to you for 3 years now and the quality of service that you offer never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for all your hard work, especially over the last 12 months.
Amélie –
I just wanted to express how utterly grateful I am for your services and how efficient as well as thorough and friendly my experience has been since using AG Photolab. I had an awful experience with a previous developer having several whole rolls of film ruined with drip marks that I couldn’t remove so it was a such a relief finding you guys.
Philip –
I am so impressed by the quality of your work, and the speed! You have done a beautiful job, I will certainly send you my film in the future!
Kheyyam Ahmed –
have been using these guys fore years. THey are some of the best in the midlands, for price, service, time and even for purchase of ilm stock. I would not recommend another place if anyone is within 50 miles of birmingham.
Rob Davis –
Fantastic quality service – very rapid turnaround and beautifully developed film. I also use the scan service and the results are always superb – a lovely balance of colour and contrast. I’ve sent many films to Ag now and have never been disappointed. Highly recommended!
alexanderjohnivory –
The best lab i’ve used. Communication, service, and scans/dev are excellent. Would never send my film anywhere else. Total pleasure sending film to AG
Harry –
One of the best services in the UK, super fast turnaround time and super fast shipping, I’ve been using AG for almost 2 years, it will almost be my goto for developing and scanning. Thank you for the consistency!
Rachelle Bate –
Brilliant fast service, negatives always come back in perfect condition, care is clearly taken in their handling!